So What are "Designer Babies"?
Designer babies are babies who have been genetically altered before birth so that certain traits
are or are not garunteed. It was created to eliminate some genetically inherited diseases but it
it can also alter physical traits or characteristics of the individual. It works by altering the
DNA of the baby or embryo with technology called in-vitro-fertilization which is excecuted in a lab
which can make this a very risky option. Although there have been babies who have successfully
been genetically altered in the world already, this is technically illegal in the US as "germline
gene editing" is illegal. click here to learn more

Pros and Cons of Genetically Altered Babies

Seeing as designer babies are a relatively new concept, there are still many things to
be sorted out. On the positive side of this, through removing unhealthy genes, the
lifespan of babies that are a product of DNA alteration will increase by up to 30 years
through promoting healthy cellular growth. The babies can also develop and even start off
in a more intelligent way as this could affect the neurological side of the child. Chances
of developing genetically inherited disorders could be decreased through the removal of
mutated genes. On the other side of the spectrum however, results are not always difinitive
as no matter what, there are always risks of procedures like this. More research on this
should continue to be conducted as this could result in the loss of the baby or potentially
worsening the chances of their survival. This operation is also very expensive and is not
widely available to those struggling financially. click here for more pros and cons