merchandise store

in this project we learned how to get information from labels and output them to text!

check it out!!

merch store upgrade

in this project, we used radio buttons and checkboxes to improve our original stores!

visit my online store!


in this project, we learned how to generate random numbers and do calclations for probability!

click here!!


in this project, we applied basic rules to our code to make an online game of vegas craps that tells you if you win or lose on the first roll and rolls after!

click here!!

circle bounce

in this project, we used a canvas function to make circles that bounce off eachother and the walls

check it out!!


in this project, we drew out a tank and used key presses to change directions; we also randomized the target's location on the page!

see my tank project

space invaders

in this project, we made a space invaders game with timers and drew out the characters.

click here!!

multiple circle bounce

in this project, we applied arrays to our original circle bounce to make more circle objects bounce independently and change thier size and colors.

click here!!